Every client will receive a coaching contract and all sessions are strictly confidential.
Note taking and Data Collection
All data will be treated in accordance with GDPR regulations. Notes will be taken throughout your sessions as well as some personal data at the beginning of the agreement. These notes will be stored in locked cabinets (hard copy) or via a password protected device (emails, etc). By signing this agreement you give permission for this data and notes to be stored for the duration of your coaching sessions and for a period of a maximum of 7 years afterwards, at which point they will be securely destroyed and/or deleted. You have the right to see any notes or data held about you – requests should be made in writing to your coach, who will reply within a maximum of one month to you.
Ethics and Code of Conduct
The Coach will receive professional supervision and will conduct coaching in line with the strict standards and ethics for the EMCC, which are available for review at the following website: