30 Minute Consultation

Contact me by phone, email or the booking page to arrange a free 30 minute coaching consultation.

This meeting can be face to face, by phone or on Teams and we can discus how coaching can help you, your business or your employees.

A great coaching relationship is key. In this conversation we can make sure we are the best fit for that relationship.

One to one coaching

Frequency of sessions

• Each coaching session will last between 1 and 2 hours.
• Each session will be scheduled in advance and will take place at agreed intervals.
• Sessions are normally once an month but can be as regular as weekly if this is what is needed. Every client is individual.
• Either party will give at least 48 hours notice in the event that a session needs to be cancelled or rearranged.

Cost of sessions

• Each session cost £125 per hour. (Some subsidised sessions are available)
• A block booking of 4 sessions or more will be discounted by 10%.

Where are the sessions

• Sessions can be face to face or via Teams.
• Face to face sessions at a location within Lancashire are available at no extra charge, any face to face further afield are possible at an additional cost. Please contact me directly to discuss this option.

Book your session now

Visit my booking page to book to next session.